Our firm welcomes all Olim Hadashim

oleh chadash tax

Firstly, a big congratulations on making Aliya!

You have decided to take the plunge and to cross all the obstacles that stood between you and the Promised Land.

Beyond the courage necessary to leave behind everything you have known, in the UK, USA or elsewhere, you will have to double your efforts to succeed in your integration into this beautiful  land of “Milk and Honey”!

Our firm’s objective is to do everything to support you during this transition.

The integration, which some will call “the obstacle course”, we ourselves did several years ago, so we have been “there” too and understand what help you’ll need to get through.

Israel: The Start Up Nation

Over the past 15 years, we have been fortunate to see this country develop as few countries can boast, despite years of crises that have hit the whole world.

From an economic point of view, Israel represents the Start-up nation, a nation which continues to surprise the world with its development, and encourages creation and innovation.

Facilitating the integration of Olim: A mission for our firm

Over the years, we have noticed that among the large number of the English-speaking Olim, many are not aware of how the Israeli tax system works or the reporting requirements they must meet. Similarly, the benefits and tax savings which can be utilized are often missed.

Whether it’s the tax advantages for companies in Israel, the social rights of employees or even the reporting obligations as a retiree, there are often a misunderstandings and a lack of information among the English-speaking public.

That is why, to help with your integration, and to allow you to be successful in Israel, we have decided to publish a series of articles which will help you. We hope this will help you better understand the tax system in Israel.

Ask an accountant

Boruch Levenson
Boruch Levenson – CPA

A native English speaker qualified in both Israel and the UK, Boruch cares for  the English speaking clients.

If you’ve got questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.



Kanfei Nesharim 68. Merkaz Oranim.

Tel Aviv

31 boulevard Rothschild


Telephone : 02 631 9000
Fax : 02 631 9005
Email : accounts@cpa-dray.com 

The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for personalized professional tax advice. Tax laws and regulations can be complex and vary depending on individual circumstances. We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified tax advisor to discuss your specific situation and ensure compliance with all applicable rules.

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Our offices

Our firm specializes in Israeli accounting and taxation, our team of English speaking accountants have extensive expertise in the benefits granted to Olim Chadashim and their tax optimization.

Our advisors in Tel Aviv

Cabinet Expert comptable Israel
Address: 31 boulevard Rothschild, Tel-Aviv (Israel)
Telephone: 03-9446635
Fax: 03-9494682
Email: accounts@cpa-dray.com

Our advisors in Jerusalem

Cabinet Expert comptable Israel
Address: Kanfei Nesharim 68. Merkaz Oranim
Telephone: 02 631 9000
Fax: 02 631 9005
Email: accoutns@cpa-dray.com